How to Find Alternative Health Professionals Supporting Mercury Detoxification

Dedicated to Educating the Public about the Health Hazards
of Amalgam Filling, Chronic Mercury Poisoning, Mercury
Detoxification and the Relationship of Oral to Overall Health!

Alternative Health Professionals & Mercury Detoxification - Page 2

What is an Alternative Health Professional?

An alternative health professional is generally described as a licensed and qualified health practitioner who uses treatments that are not generally taught in medical schools or normally incorporated by the mainstream (allopathic/orthodox) medical community. These alternative treatments may be used alone or, when appropriate, in conjunction with mainstream medical treatment. Some medical doctors also utilize alternative treatments in their practices.

Alternative practitioners are also known as integrative, holistic, and complementary. The services they provide include, but are not limited to  


Alternative medicine

Ayurvedic medicine

Complementary medicine

Chelation therapy

Detoxification therapy

Herbal medicine

Holistic medicine


Integrative medicine  

Naturopathic medicine

Nutritional medicine


Oriental medicine

Preventive medicine

Upon request, each alternative health practitioner will explain the type of alternative treatment he or she offers. 

Alternative Health Professional Database: How You can Help.

If you know of an alternative health professional who is not on my list, or one who is listed but is no longer practicing, please email me the appropriate information by Clicking Here. Your kindness will make the database work better for everyone. Thank you!

Dr. Tom’s Tips 

Finding a qualified alternative health professional who is versed in treating chronic mercury poisoning is even more important if you now have, or have had, mercury amalgam fillings and have any existing health issues related to chronic mercury poisoning, allergies, or immune system dysfunction. I also encourage you to read A Mouth Full of Poison: The Truth about Mercury Amalgam Fillings and Your Complete Guide to Mercury Detoxification: How to Safely Remove Mercury from Your Teeth and Body before you have any of your mercury amalgam fillings removed. 


Unless indicated, I have no personal knowledge of any alternative health professional listed in the database and you must do your own due diligence to determine if he or she is the right practitioner for you. Always ask if he or she is familiar with health problems caused by chronic mercury poisoning.

Alternative Health Professionals

If you are an alternative health professional familiar with, and willing to treat, health problems related to chronic mercury poisoning . . . Click Here to email us your contact information.